Thursday, March 21, 2019

Kickball anyone?

Hi! Its been a minute since I was able (literally) to sit down and type out a good story. The reason is a good story in itself LOL! Here it is....
So its a Wednesday night after church and I have to make a quick trip to town to get my hunny bunny some nose spray...I had been to town just hours before and ya know how it goes, that one thing you forget happens to be super important. I told the 3 oldest kids to tag along to be my body guards since it was about 10pm. Here we go all laughing and having a great time, we were chatting about how “free” we were because of Jesus and all that. We pull in to the store and I was actually skipping in through the doors just full of joy! I grab the nose spray and come around an aisle and one of my boys is holding this huge rubber play ball and the temptation hit.....I'm gonna kick that ball! So I go for it....Halfway through the kick reality or adulting kicks in and I think “this is probably a bad idea” and there I went. Down, down, down to the ground. I was wearing my trusty house slippers and my feet completely slipped out from under me. There I am, laying in the middle of the store laughing off this huge fall. I go to get up and take a glance at my wrist and there it is slightly crooked and bumpy looking....not to normal at all. So at this point there's a crowd and they are all looking at me and questioning everyone else as to whether I'm OK. I'm still kind of laughing but at this point its to keep from panicking. Here I am at a store with a possible broken arm, I still have to buy the nose spray and  how the heck am I going to get home? I go through a check out line, pay for the nose spray and have one of my kids call my man to alert him of the adventure that just happened. He has the younger kids at home so he cant come to my rescue....I have to drive handed, nauseous, half in shock but here we go! The entire way home all I can say is Jesus Jesus Jesus.....A trip to the ER to confirm the brokenness....referral to Ortho the next day to schedule surgery. Not only did I break it, I completely dismantled everything in there. It required a plate and screws to put everything back together. This is why I haven't been able to share other stories because I was in the middle of a new one LOL!  What makes this story so special is that a week prior to falling, Michael and I had fully committed to trusting God to start a new ministry endeavor. I play piano and this was the main portion of the work. In my 32 years of life, I've never had an injury so severe that took me a bit to get over before being able to play again. God more than showed up through everything though. He paid for the surgery, the Dr visits and my time off of work. The lesson in all of this is when you say Yes to Jesus, be prepared or on guard that the enemy is still seeking whom he can devour.... and you just put a huge target on your back. I never worried about anything. I knew God had me because He is faithful and just to complete everything He starts. He called me to do this so he had incidental provision on standby lol! Don't ever give up on God when a few obstacles come your way, stand your ground! The devil can't kill you! We are always winners when God is our coach! 
This is spring break week and boy do I have more stories but for now I am done. It has taken me an hour just to type this one so I will rest. Ta-Ta for now!